Comments of 2 Minute Bobbins tutorial page 2
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1ย year, 10ย months ago by happyrobin
@cro_meg27 Thanks so much! I'm glad it helps ๐Ÿ˜Š
1ย year, 10ย months ago by cro_meg27
I'm a little crazy with the organization of my floss. I currently have 12 Artbin boxes organized by color group or something else like variegated, sparkly, etc. (They aren't all full so its not totally insane...right?) As soon as I get new floss I wind them on the plastic bobbins for storage. But when I'm making something where the length of the strands is particularly long I have been trying to use the plastic bobbins but they are kinda big. I can see doing this to make smaller bobbins for my working strands. Don't know why I didn't think of it. But that's the great thing about this site. Someone will come up with the idea you need. ๐Ÿ˜‰ It's a really great idea for those who don't want to put out the money for the plastic ones too. Easy to write on the cardboard the color number.
1ย year, 10ย months ago by happyrobin
@La_Loca Thanks! Sometimes when you don't have indents, it does slip off. But not that often ๐Ÿ˜Š
1ย year, 10ย months ago by La_Loca
I make my own bobbins also. I usually make them a bit indented for where the string wraps (basically the same shape as the plastic ones I have) but seeing this makes me think that it just isn't necessary. Thnx for this! ๐Ÿ˜Ž