Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by mehar13
so i need more motivation for bracelets.... any suggestionss....?
3 years, 2 months ago by Idkkkkk
i struggle a lot with motivation for bracelets too. But i don’t really think it’s the MOTIVATION for me. I would really like to finnish bracelets i make. But i have add so when i think about making a bracelet i’m like “i just need to go to the toilet before i begin”. And when i come back to my room, i totally forget that i planned on making bracelets. So it ends up in me watching netflix documentaries or sum. And then i remember bracelet making when it’s like 1 hour before i sleep. And then i’m too tired. Oh shoot, i talked about myself again IM SORRY REALLU IT JUST HAPPENS. Anyways, i don’t have much advice on motivation. But i can just say that, for a person with add, motivation isn’t just starting. It’s a lot more than that, and sometimes i will even start to cry. So i have experience in motivation. And the things that gets my motivation stronger, is to think that i don’t NEED to do it. If you understand? if you’re thinking “arh i haven’t been making bracelets for 3 weeks and i really need/want to finnish it” it doesn’t help. But make bracelets while ur listening to music or watching something. That helps me A LOT. I love documentaries, so i often have a random documentary that i don’t REALLY want to see but at the same time finds it ok. And then i make bracelets while watching it. I don’t miss the interesting parts in a documentary i really want to see because i’m making bracelets, but at the same time, i’m watching an ok documentary
Bracelet King
3 years, 2 months ago by oceanknot
Watch bracelet related videos like string hauls, knot with me, bracelet tutorials, etc. Joining challenges on braceletbook is also super motivating.