Gender: Female
Joined: 3 years, 11 months ago
Hi! I’m currently a sophomore in college and majoring in marketing. My interests and hobbies include making bracelets, K-Pop, Asian Dramas, Thai BL, anime, watching youtubers play horror games, practicing roller skating every now and then, and drinking bubble tea. I also make fmvs and lyrics videos on my Instagram @peno.mecca and my YouTube by the name of “penomecca” and I enjoy making these edits in my free time. I have a cat named Marbles, who you can see in my profile photo!~
15 Patterns
24 Photos

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09

by meccrame09
76 To-dos
32 Loves
15 Friends