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Stmermaid1 |
6 months, 4 weeks ago by Stmermaid1
@marimacho2 Oh i see! I'll have to look at that pattern, also I deeply apologise for my late reply. I also havent made a pattern in a while so this might be the first one I've done in ages 🙂
marimacho2 |
8 months ago by marimacho2
Oh don't worry! I was talking about his new album "Child Within A Man", where his name has yellow letters with orange borders. I can't give you links in the omments but if you search for "Sebastian Bach logo" you will see the letters I am referring to. Sería un sueño si hicieras un patrón :'))
Stmermaid1 |
8 months, 3 weeks ago by Stmermaid1
@marimacho2 ¡Me alegro de que te haya encantado! Desafortunadamente, hacer un patrón de su nuevo álbum ''Give them hell'' sería demasiado complicado para mí 😭 (También lo siento, tuve que traducir esto con Google Translate)
marimacho2 |
8 months, 3 weeks ago by marimacho2
Me encanta!! Te salió increíble!! Podrías hacer uno con el logo de su nuevo album? Son las letras amarillas que dicen "Sebastian Bach" 😭🙏🏻
Stmermaid1 |
1 year, 5 months ago by Stmermaid1
Is anyone else a huge fan of skid row?