Wish Pattern - One Piece (the anime)
10ย years, 8ย months ago by Macaronia
Hi! My boyfriend loves the anime One Piece and he also love my bracelets! I would like to make him a One Piece bracelet. I have already made one with the logo and now I want to try something new. I've looked through all the already existing patterns but there is nothing that I really like.

I don't mind large patterns or complicated ones.
If anybody has some free time and talent I would love to see an alpha pattern with one of the One Piece characters such as Shanks or Doflamingo.

SUMMARY (of my large post): I would love to see an alpha pattern of Shanks or Doflamingo (the anime One Piece characters) and in return I promise a rating of 100% a photo of the bracelet and a HUGE THANK YOU ๐Ÿ™‚
Bracelet King
10ย years, 6ย months ago by ameriblue
thats_so_knotty on instagram made one and it looks awesome, and on here she's SBilbrey she has a pattern for it! ๐Ÿ™‚ hope it holps!!