Grandpa pattern request!
Bracelet King
3ย years, 3ย months ago by allialexis
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could make a pattern like grandpa related or themed? Idk how to put it but like ima make a bracelet that has his name on it which I already have
I also wanna make a keychain or two. Maybe of a grandpa with a dog and another of a grandpa with a little girl?
You can look up grandpa with little girl clipart on google and some images will come up
And for the dog u can look up grandpa with dog clipart and some more images would come
AND I think thatโ€™s all ๐Ÿ™‚ thank you! If thereโ€™s any questions pls pm me or respond to this!
Bracelet King
3ย years, 3ย months ago by allialexis
Oh and maybe like 25 strings max is possible? Lmk the smallest size u can make ๐Ÿ™‚