Keeping things straight
4ย months ago by SadStraw
Hello! I've always had a really hard time keeping things straight ever since I was younger doing bracelets at summer camp. It didn't matter as much back then but now that I'm older and getting started again I need some tips on keeping things straight on normal and alpha besides all of the special techniques. Is there a special way to practice that might help overtime? or some sort of special bracelet power?
Super Moderator
4ย months ago by halokiwi
Tip one: practice. The more you practice, the better your bracelets will look. It is completely normal that they are a little uneven in the beginning.

Tip two: try to keep even knotting tension. Always try to knot with the same tightness. This will get easier with practice.

Tip three: secure your bracelet while working in a way so that it can't slip out or move around a lot. I think in summer camp it is common to just attach the bracelet to something at one end while working on it. If you do this, the bracelet can move around a lot while working on it, which might lead do difficulties keeping even tension. I personally use a binder clip to secure my bracelets. They are easily adjustable and very secure.

Tip four: Use the flat alpha technique for alphas.
Bracelet King
4ย months ago by Vivi_knotz
Masha knotz on YouTube has a really helpful video on the flat alpha technique! ๐Ÿ˜„
4ย months ago by SadStraw
@halokiwi Thank You!
3ย months, 3ย weeks ago by holly220
i think this really only works on alphas but i do mine on a clipboard and when i finish a line if it looks uneven i just take a ruler and push all the knots up