3ย years, 3ย months ago by gaby_cal
When making alphas over the course of several days, the tightness of my knots vary each day. For example I started half a pattern in the evening and it was neat and tight. The next day I went to finish it, and my knots were super loose even though I felt as though I was tying pretty tight. This made the whole pattern look super messy in the end and it made me sad since I spent a lot of time on it. Any tips to help find a consistency in my knotting?
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3ย years, 3ย months ago by halokiwi
I can't tell you much but: keep practicing! The more you practice the more consistent your knotting will get in general.

Some short term things to consider:
- try having a similar setting each time you knot. I'm not sure if it makes a difference but depending on how and where you sit while making the bracelet it might have an influence on your consistency.
- try to not have many distractions and look at your knotting critically. If you notice differences in your knotting you might adjust your technique slightly.
3ย years, 3ย months ago by Lots_Knots
Just practice. Your not doing anything worng, you're just not knotting enough.