How Do you make Normal Patterns on BB???
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Reva_
When I try to make a Normal pattern on BB, it gets confusing. HELP!!!!!!😫😫😫
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by madison737
There is currently no way to draw out a normal pattern but Ik they are working on it. You might have to design it out on paper then kinda guess where each knot will be
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by ajr725
The easiest way for me to make patterns is to draw out what I’m thinking on paper. It’s not the best way, but it works. As of right now masha knots is working on making a new pattern generator where you can sort of “draw” the pattern by clicking to change knots. I don’t know when the new generator will be available, but hopefully soon
3 years, 9 months ago by arf820
first generally decide what colors you want. to do that, click on the spaces at the top that contain the color hexes, and move your mouse around until you find a color that you want. to add colors, you click on the blank space next to the colored space. then type in your string order. each color is associated with a letter of the alphabet, so the first color is A, second color is B, and so on. this will dictate how many knots you have in each row. for an even number of strings, you type in half the number of knots as there are strings for every odd row. so 16 strings would have 8 knots in rows 1,3,5, etc. for even rows, you would have half minus 1 so 16 strings would have 7 knots in rows 2,4,6,etc. also, try learning how to make simple patterns in the generator. for example with the candystripe you’d have all f or b knots in all the rows. with the chevron, you’d have half f knots and half b knots per row. from there you can modify the pattern to create your own unique pattern. also, once you’ve created a few patterns, you can start to get a unique style which will help immensely in coming up with new patterns. i hope that helps and feel free to message me or tag me @arf820 if you have any more questions! 🙂
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by brutie_pie
i know that they are recoding the generator now so it will be much easier to use. it is very confusing though so you just have kind of play around with it to figure it out. 😊
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Reva_
Thanks! I will try it! thanks for all the hints!!!!!!!
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by Lizzie_Ann
I just play around and make patterns randomly.
Bracelet King
3 years, 9 months ago by oddgymnast
@Lizzie_Ann that’s what I do hahahhaha your comment made me laugh