How do I make normal patterns?
Bracelet King
4ย years, 3ย months ago by alaytheay
Every time I try, it doesn't work. I looked at a tutorial on how to design normal patterns, but it was kind of confusing and I wondered if there was an easier way to do it?
Super Moderator
4ย years, 3ย months ago by halokiwi
My advice for you is to make a sketch of the pattern you want on graph paper. If you sketch your pattern it's easier to think about which knots you'll need.

Think about how the string needs to move to get it where you want it next. B and f knots will move the string. Bf and fb knots will keep the string in place. If you do a bf or fb knot and then a f or b knot the string will change the direction it moves in.

My advice is to start out designing patterns with just b and f knots. They're easier to imagine.

After you've written two rows of pattern save the pattern to see what the knots you've written do to your pattern.

You can either manually write the knots by writing b, f, bf, fb or 0 (0 will leave a knot out) or you use the buttons on the top right of the generator.

If you have a pattern with an even amount of string in the first row you need half as many knots as strings. In the second row you need one less than half.

If you have an uneven amount of string you need the half minus 0,5 knots each row. The amount of knots in patterns with an uneven amount of string stays the same each row.

Do you have any specific question or do I need to explain something with more detail or differently? I feel like I could continue writing but I don't know what it is that you don't understand.
Bracelet King
4ย years, 3ย months ago by alaytheay
Thank you! That is very helpful. I will try it as soon as I can! ๐Ÿ˜„