The pattern is too simple - what exactly is "too simple"?
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by SoftAlpaca
Hi ❤️ After being a silent user for quite a few months and years, I have decided to create a profile here, because having a profile has many benefits compared to being a silent user without one. As a newbie, I have quickly discovered, that the moderator team is really consistent and hard-working team, that provides us only the best content there could be. When your pattern gets denied, you get to hear the reason why.

As a person, who´s been knotting for about 7-8 years or more, I have collected a lot of patterns that I came up with and I am slowly releasing them on the Internet. I´ve been doing that on a different bracelet site, but I have moved to BB. As I have said, the team is consistent hard-working and fair. You always get to hear what is wrong and you get to hear it really quickly. Most of the times I get a message, that my pattern is too simple (+ sometimes that I should tweak it a bit, but I understand that and they always got accepted after). Before I make my patterns, I search keywords that may describe my work in case somebody had the same idea. If they´re similar, I don´t waste my or any moderator´s time by creating only a bit different one - I post a picture of my bracelet to the similar pattern and hope it gets accepted. When I can´t find anything, I assume that I can start generating. When they´re denied, they´re almost always "Too simple."

So I am kindly asking - what exactly is "Too simple."? I´m not hating on anyone or anything, but aren´t beginner patterns like #1 or #2 simple as well? I have a collection of patterns I´ve made as a beginner bracelet maker and I´d love to show others how to make them, too. Is there anything I can do to get beginner-friendly bracelets posted?

Thank you so much for hearing me out and proposing solutions or giving me a helping hand. 😇 ❤️ Have a great afternoon and may your tying be quick, precise and fun 😘
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by AriaKnots
Hey, I totally understand where your coming, from most of the time when my patterns are declined it's because they are to simple. I'm not sure what makes it to simple, but I think the goal is just to avoid putting patterns on the site that people won't make, or can't figure out how to make. I don't design normal patterns but I do design alpha patterns, so I don't know how much help this will be to you. I would like to end this by saying I appreciate all of the moderators thank you so much for your hard work! The @Admin does have a post explaining this though, it was very helpful in my opinion!
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by SoftAlpaca
Thank you so much for this! I usually work on alphas, too. I´ll look for the post. And I agree - the moderators are all so great! ❤️
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by AriaKnots
Your welcome happy to help out!
4 years, 4 months ago by Admin
Thank you @SoftAlpaca and AriaKnots both for your inputs. This is actually a good question, and I think the best answer can be found in the latest blog post I've written a couple of days ago. More users have been asking about the review process, and so I've decided to write about it. And one more note, I think that the 'too simple' decline reason happens mostly for alpha patterns, which are really easy to create. It should happen a lot less for normals. Hope this helps 🙂.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by SoftAlpaca
@Admin I actually have read the post! 😍 I thought it was a different one. It helped a lot, but I´m still a bit confused. For example, I posted 2 pictures of a bracelet under a bit different pattern, because it was too similar and I knew the exact version would not get accepted. Little did I know, today it was added to this page. Still not the exactly same one (number of strings - 16 and my bracelet has 24), but my chances to get it accepted now are very low. What can I do in this case? Try to submit it and ask moderators to remove the picture or move it, ignore it or ask moderators to remove it from the one they are currently posted and try to get them accepted under the new one? Thank you so much for helping me out ❤️ And I´m very sorry for making you busy 🙁 😢
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by SoftAlpaca
@Admin Update: I found the exact one now. It is #24520. Please, is it possible you could move my pictures from #14527 to #24520? Thank you so so so much for helping me out! 😘 😍 ❤️
4 years, 4 months ago by Admin
Hi again @SoftAlpaca 🙂 So I see you've already resolved the issue. The only problem is we currently don't have a way to move your photos from one pattern to another, and it would be very difficult to do this manually. And so I have deleted both of them, and you can now post them to the appropriate pattern 🙂. Hope it's ok for you 🙂.
Bracelet King
4 years, 4 months ago by SoftAlpaca
Good morning, of course it is ok. Thank you so much for everything 😇😘