How to save generated pattern
1ย year, 6ย months ago by PapaKirk
I generated a nice alpha pattern but I don't know how save it to a file so I can use it.
What kind of file types can I save it to?

Thanks in advance!
Papa Kirk
Super Moderator
1ย year, 6ย months ago by halokiwi
You can't save patterns to file types. You could take a screenshot, if you want the pattern on your device independently from internet access.

What the "save" button in the generator does, is securing the changes you have made to your pattern. A pattern that you saved will stay in your drafts the way you saved it. This means that when you go to "create patterns", this pattern and any other patterns that you have saved but not submitted, will be there. If you made changes in "draw alpha", you need to save them, otherwise they'll be lost.

You can submit the pattern (only possible on the first page of the generator) and then it will be posted to the website, visible for everyone.
1ย year, 6ย months ago by Tikilishi
I personally save patterns to digital notebooks by copying and pasting the text in the generator, as well as the string order and colors.

Otherwise, you can save any of your patterns in your "create patterns" section.