I have a pattern and it’s telling me the background is too dark
1 year, 9 months ago by BGV88
I’m making a pattern and it says the background is too dark and has too similar colors but it’s a night sky with various shades of blue and is dosent give the same effect! It won’t let me submit it because of this! Are there any workarounds to this?
Super Moderator
1 year, 9 months ago by halokiwi
Try to lighten the colours slightly, click save and check if the warnings are still there. Continue like this until there are no warnings left.

There is no workaround because it is important that the pattern can be read. If the colours are too dark, the grid is not visible and it would be very hard to knot based on the grid.

For the same reason colours need to be different enough. If colours are too similar, you can barely tell them apart which makes knotting difficult. For colours that are too similar, you could also try merging them.
1 year, 9 months ago by BGV88
@halokiwi thank you!! It worked the main problem was the black and navy! I’ve never submitted/made a pattern before so thanks for the help!