Difficulty with Subjective Keywords
1ย year, 10ย months ago by J_Marigot
I am struggling with knowing which keywords are going to be accepted. I have had keywords declined as incorrect that I feel are pretty subjective (like suggesting the style, aesthetic, vibe, era, etc. that the design evokes to me). Should I just not be using those, and only list the objective characteristics like the shapes, symmetry, and techniques?

Otherwise it feels a little like I'm saying "This pattern reminds me of _______" and the mod is saying "No it doesn't" lol, which is just kind of difficult to avoid and difficult to fix (I know that I can just remove the incorrect descriptors when they are called out in the notes, but I do not know how to replace them since my perception / opinion of the pattern's style often does not match the mod's).
Super Moderator
1ย year, 10ย months ago by halokiwi
I would recommend writing why you chose a specific keyword in the review notes.

We mods don't know everything. We don't know every style, every aesthetic, every era, so we might not have the same associations or knowledge like you do. A keyword you add might be useful but might just not be recognised as such because we moderators have no knowledge about the topic this pattern is about.

So if you think something is a bit niche or very specific to a certain country, it's best to give some information in the review notes. This makes it easier for us mods to review the pattern because we don't need to decline it because something is unclear to us.

I hope this answers your question ๐Ÿ™‚

You can also always resubmit a declined pattern with the same keywords and explain in the review notes why you want to keep a certain keyword. With the knew knowledge it's possible that a moderator reconsiders. But you have to of course keep in mind that sometimes a certain keyword just does not really fit. In this case the pattern has to be declined, even if you get a certain association from it. You have to consider what most people would associate with this pattern, because keywords are their to help others search for your pattern more easily.
Super Moderator
1ย year, 10ย months ago by halokiwi
And you can also always ask which keywords would be better in the review notes, if you can't think of any better ones yourself. We mods are very happy to help ๐Ÿ™‚