is it ok to submit a pattern that is a smaller version of an existing pattern?
1 year, 11 months ago by asterism
like, if you really like a certain pattern but it's really big, is it ok to make a version with fewer strings and submit that?
I really love how pattern #115790 looks, but 64 strings is just too i was thinking i could recreate it to look similar with only 32 (still a lot, but manageable lol)
i think i might try to find a way change a few things so it could still have 8 colors, so it would be a bit different. but if i can't figure that out, would it still be ok?

i mean, i see people asking others to do this on the requests forum, but i figured i'd ask just in case.
Bracelet King
1 year, 11 months ago by Lulu_Ninja
This is more commonly accepted for alpha patterns since many normals already have versions that have fewer strings, so I would recommend looking for a similar pattern that is already smaller. Since you said you would have to modify it anyway, if you can’t find one, I would recommend recreating it in the pattern maker and slimming it down there. This should allow you to post the new, smaller pattern, as well as post the picture.
Super Moderator
1 year, 11 months ago by KrazyKnotz
I recommend first asking the creator of the original pattern if they could make a smaller version since it is their design. It is nice to give the creator the option to make a smaller version first.
1 year, 11 months ago by asterism
oh ok! i will ask them then
1 year, 11 months ago by xc2024
they could have also made a smaller version that you didnt find, so i would just always ask to be on the safe side.