how do I submit a pattern?
Bracelet King
4ย years, 7ย months ago by hannah_0
it says make sure the creator of the bracelet knows you did this and you have their permission. the person who made the candy stripe bracelet is probably dead. I don't understand what they mean. help me!
Bracelet King
4ย years, 7ย months ago by vennix
@hannah_0 itโ€™s basically just making sure you arenโ€™t making someone elseโ€™s pattern and claiming it as your own. Like if you saw someoneโ€™s pattern on another site and put it on here. As far as the candy stripe goes it should say that it is already a certain pattern and can be added as a variation and in that case it will be shown under the original pattern. Hopefully this makes sense and helps you!