Distorted pattern???
5ย years, 1ย month ago by vegan_ash
So I turned in a couple alpha patterns and one of them was declined because the pattern was "Distorted?" What does that mean and how can I fix it? ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿคฏ
Bracelet King
5ย years, 1ย month ago by Alyce
I had the same problem! @Admin can you maybe explain?
5ย years, 1ย month ago by Admin
Hi @vegan_ash and @Alyce. This basically means that the pattern needs some tweaking before it's added to the site. We also have a tutorial on how to tweak patterns. You can find it in the tutorials section. The pattern may need some knots to be tweaked, or maybe even less colours to be used. This mostly happens when creating a pattern from an image in the generators. It's crucial not to use more colours than are appropriate for the pattern, so that it's also easy for other users to tie. And maybe also some other reasons, but this should basically sum it up. We only approve patterns that we think add some value for other users who are looking for some inspiration ๐Ÿ™‚, if that makes sense. That's also a reason why we stopped approving simple letter patterns with only text, because it makes more sense to add the whole alphabet, so that users can create their own words from it.
5ย years, 1ย month ago by vegan_ash
@Admin that actually makes a lot of sense because the patterns I turned in had quite a few colors for how simple the image was. Thank you for your help!