Loosening up knot tension when tying alphas?
3ย years, 8ย months ago by ninambaker
After watching Masha Knot's video about how tightly she ties her knots with alphas, and how she's been trying to loosen them up, I realized I also tie my knots very tightly. I have similar issues with colors peeking through, warped/bumpy bracelets, and uneven knots.

For the past several projects, I've been trying to loosen my knots, but I've been having trouble keeping them all consistent. I don't really know how much to loosen them (a lot or a little?). Have any of you had success in loosening knot tension for alphas?

How much did you loosen your knots?

Bracelet King
3ย years, 8ย months ago by jetsa_124
Thereโ€™s two parts of a knot. The first is to place, the second is to secure. If I need to make a knot looser or lower down so it makes the row straight, I make the first part of the knot looser. I pay very close attention to how I do it so I can replicate it. Then I do the second part of the knot and secure it where I want it. You can also make the knot look a little bigger by doing the second part of the knot a little looser
Bracelet King
3ย years, 8ย months ago by jadeflwr13
try to keep the first part of the knot consistent, like said above. iโ€™ve had similar problems when i start alphas, and iโ€™d just say to tie the strings tight enough to keep the bracelet together, and not too much tighter otherwise the knots get wonky ๐ŸŽž๐Ÿฅ๐Ÿ“€๐ŸŒฑ