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Braided Leaf Bracelet - #14689
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Things you will need
- string (this works best with at least 2 color strings and at least 6 or more strings total)
- scissors
- a way of holding the bracelet in place while making (I'm using tape)
Step 1
Cut the number of each color strings you want. You will be putting them into 3 sections, so I recommend having the total number of strings be a multiple of 3 (3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, etc.). I am using 3 colors in sections of 4 (12 strings total). Tie them together in a starting knot, or another beginning method if desired, and secure them for making the bracelet.
Step 2
Separate your strings into equal sections. I did mine by color into groups of 4.
Step 3
With your string in your left section closest to the middle section (for me this is my 4th string which is orange), tie a forward knot onto the first string in the next group (pink for me).
Step 4
Using the same string, make forward knots on the rest of the strings in the 2nd group (but not the 3rd).
Step 5
Take your next nearest string to the 2nd group (for me, my 3rd string) and make a forward knot into the first string in the 2nd group.
Step 6
Do forward knots on the rest of the strings in the second section (but not the third section or the first knotting string).
Step 7
Repeat steps 3 and 4 with the remaining strings in your first group.
Step 8
Now, with your string in the 3rd group closest to the middle group, tie a backward knot.
Step 9
Tie backward knots on the rest of the strings in your middle section.
Step 10
With your next string in the 3rd group closest to the middle group, tie a backward knot.
Step 11
Tie backward knots on the rest of the strings in your middle section.
Step 12
Repeat steps 8 and 9 with the rest of the strings in your 3rd group.
Step 13
Repeat steps 3-11 until your braided leaf bracelet is your desired length. Mine is short because I am making it into a ring. Then finish it off with a knot or another method if you like.
Now you have your completed braided leaf bracelet! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and like how your bracelet turned out 🙂
Feel free to post pictures of your finished bracelet to pattern #14689.

Thanks for reading,