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How to tweak patterns
by Adik
99.0% (49 ratings)
Tweaking patterns is very easy, all you have to do is use the smallest number of colors you can and try to make it look neater 🙂 I will show you how to do it on an example of a declined pattern.
This is a pattern of nyan cat that I declined, it had 16 colors and was very distorted. I deleted 8 colors that were nearly the same then the colors in my finished pattern.
In this picture you can see how I tweaked the rainbow behind the cat and her tail, all it took was remaking the stripes into 1 color per stripe. Next step is to delete all the distorted pixels around the borders of the cat (the black lines) and replace them with the color that its colored in with 🙂
The last thing that you need to do is get rid of all the pixels that look like they are not supposed to be there. The easiest way to do that is choose the color of your background and color all the knots that aren’t supposed to be there with it. I used white, after that you only need to color the empty bits with the color that is actually supposed to be there 🙂
I hope that this tutorial helps everyone that has troubles with getting their patterns approved.

You should all now know what I mean by tweaking your pattern! 🙂

Happy tying!